Live-Zugriff über Mobilgeräte (Notebook), (Handy iOS und Android) und (Tablet-PC)

From the very start the client had 3 clear goals in mind, which was thenwards on within our responsibility to achieve:

* Organic traffic increased 574%
* Conversions from organic traffic increased 236%
* Revenue from organic traffic increased 145% *this revenue was normalized

When companies start new campaigns with our agency, we always take additional timing and effort to curtail it to specific needs that every business has. The client in this case study was hoping to increase revenue, through expanding their applicable audience (website traffic). They also wanted to bury they dated marketing approach and launch an advanced type of a promotional campaign dictated by a sound Digital Strategy.

Budget$100, 000

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After having a single advertising agency covering all of our marketing needs for the last 9 years, we were finally ready to make a switch.

Adam Smith Designer